Jacob Cannon - Human Biomechanics Specialist
Initially I found Functional Patterns trying to rid myself of chronic pain. Determined to play college baseball, I was training as much as I could using traditional weight training. Ignoring warning signs from my body thinking aches and pains were just apart of the process. Even from an early age, before really taking weight lifting serious, I had some infrequent back, shoulder, and neck pain. As a result of my weight lifting I found myself in what appeared to be the best shape of my life, but it was only on a surface level. Aesthetics meant nothing as my infrequent pains became chronic, and my mental health deteriorated along with everything else. Consequently I opted not to pursue college baseball, ending a passion I held onto for most of my life.
In search of some way to get me out of my pain and fill the void I felt of not playing sports, I found Functional Patterns. I saw one YouTube video, where FP CEO & founder Naudi Aguilar addressed one of my body’s biggest dysfunctions. Not only did he point out the issue my body was having in the video, but he provided some clarity on how to go about addressing it. From there I consumed as much of his material as I could mind. Starting with The Power of Posture book I started to notice the changes in my pain levels and my mood. I followed up the book by working through the Online 10 Week Course finding most of my pain slowly dissipating.
Unmotivated by the current curriculum I was taking at The University of Toledo, I realized I was spending all of my time working on Functional Patterns. After applying for FP’s Human Foundations Course I decided to leave college and go full on with FP. After the Foundations course I have taken the Human Biomechanics Specialist Courses levels 1,2, & 3, with the goal of taking as many as they will offer. Not only have these courses taught me how to get rid of all of my pain, but I’ve learned how to change my body’s structure and become more athletic.
Seeing and feeling the potential of what Functional Patterns can accomplish, my goal is to show every willing client how to achieve the best results with their body. Working with a range of clients from professional athletes, children, the elderly, to people with debilitating pain, I am confident in what we can achieve with FP.