• we’ve helped people of all types reach their goals. whether its getting rid of chronic pain or building robust functional strength and athleticism - we believe functional patterns is the best in the industry and our results speak for themselves.

    that said, with our emphasis on results, we’re looking for clients who are ready to put in the hard work it takes to completely change their lives for the better.

    when you pair the right approach with the right people - this is how powerful changes happen.

    book this consult and let’s see if we’re the right fit.

    cost: $100

    consultation cost is credited towards your in-studio movement assessment

  • the next step is to schedule a comprehensive movement assessment. your dedicated biomechanics specialist will perform a posture and movement analysis, introduce you to the functional patterns training system, and share their thoughts on how they would go about training your body to become strong and pain-free

    cost: $324

  • your initial training sessions with us will be a total reset for your mind and body. prepare to learn an entirely new and effective way of building strength and eliminating pain.

    we don’t just tell you what to do, we actually teach you how to use your body so that you can live your life to its fullest potential

    Functional Patterns training is both physically and mentally challenging and this is especially true when you are experiencing it for the first time.

    for the best experience, we recommend training at a frequency of twice per week. If this is out of reach for you, once per week is also great.

    your practitioner will be studying your movement, giving you at-home exercises to do between sessions (via our coaching feedback app), and helping you determine an optimal long-term training plan based on your needs.

  • our business is built upon the life-changing results of our clients.

    Functional Patterns is the most powerful training system available but we all know change doesn’t happen over night. we also know that if we don’t maintain healthy habits, then we can’t expect to enjoy being freakishly healthy.

    we offer multiple training options and an online community that are strategically designed to help you stay consistent with your training so that you can enjoy the full benefits of fp for life.


  • our muscles are fundamentally designed to help our bodies stand upright, walk, and run. Functional Patterns training directly improves those functions by training them with resistance.

    our training process involves analyzing your posture as well as how you walk and run. we then develop a highly customized training plan to strengthen your muscles in a way that promotes better posture and movement. the byproduct of better posture and movement is reduction in pain, full-body strength, athleticism, and a body that looks more like an athlete. most training programs overlook this simple fact and therefore do not produce the same results.

    navigate to the ‘LEARN MORE’ drop down menu and check out all of the life-changing results people like you are achieving every day.

  • the short answer is consistent effort + time = life-changing result.

    here’s the more specific answer:

    we have the best training system and some of the best practitioners in the world at our studio.

    in order to get the best result possible you should be aiming to hit the following training targets:

    2 training sessions per week is ideal

    1 training session per week is great

    1 training session every two weeks is the minimum effective dose but expect to do homework between sessions

    1 year of training or longer

    our clients who follow the process get the results they want and often much more than they ever expected

    we’re here to guide you every step of the way. you can do it too.

  • it took many years and a lot of stimulus to get your body to this point. much of that stimulus being of the incorrect kind creating muscle and joint imbalances.

    reversing these imbalances while instilling new patterns can take some time and is different for every body.

    while some experience rapid relief of symptoms in just a few sessions, others will need several months of consistent practice to start reversing the consequences of long-term movement imbalances.

    once you experience a drastic reduction in pain, we’ll get to work building strength and athleticism in a way that keeps your pain away and keeps you functioning at your best for life.

    you can maximize your progress by practicing the homework and lifestyle modifications assigned to you by your practitioner and engaging in our online community.

  • no. thats the great thing about working with a FP certified biomechanics specialist - we are masters at meeting anyone where they are and finding a way to start progressing their strength and mobility.

    it doesn’t matter if you’re an avid exerciser or have never exercised a day in your life, we can help.

  • yes, your practitioner will provide you with video instruction based on what you discover during your assessment and private training sessions.

    you will then have the option to practice these exercises at home and submit them for feedback through our coaching app so that you can learn to become the master of your own body.

  • yes, once you’ve laid the tracks for fundamentally sound movement, you can use FP principles to put on muscle mass.

    the major benefit of putting on muscle mass using FP is that you will enhance mobility, athleticism, and good posture while doing so.

    also, because you will be building muscle that coincides more directly with how your body moves every day - you will find that you don’t lose muscle as easily during times that you aren’t able to train as consistently. instead you can just enjoy your time off of training.

  • losing or gaining weight are both governed by many factors. genetics, work/life balance, environment, stress response, sleep cycle and your training regime. at fp we promote optimisation of all of these things coupled with biomechanics to lose weight.

    functional patterns encourages highly nutritious, anti-inflammatory foods in appropriate quantities. we also encourage adequate protein intake which can work wonders for body recomposition and satiety long after meals. there are various blogs on functional patterns main site that cover the topic of diet and how to utilise the tool to optimise the function of your digestive system and your biomechanics.

    we provide all of our clients with a diet protocol booklet specifically crafted for functional patterns atlanta to take all of the guess work out of the process.

  • pricing information can be found by clicking the ‘PRICING’ tab in the header menu at the top of this page.

  • no, we do not accept insurance or HSA at this time

  • Improved hip and shoulder pain from serious injuries

    Posture improved and weight loss

  • Chronic tendonitis in shoulders and elbows eliminated after 5 years of pain

    Developed 13 lbs of muscle mass in 3 months

  • Scoliosis and Back Pain Improvements

Be the next in line to achieve a life-changing result with one of our dedicated Functional Patterns Certified Human Biomechanics Specialists